The Vampire Princess and her Sexy Vampire

The Vampire Princess and her Sexy Vampire
Story: The gorgeous Kara A. Dark wasnt only a sexy girl. She was more than that. Shadow knew there was something different about her. Not just her being so beautiful, it was something more. One day after school, Shadow was watching her as she passed him. He stood up and followed her. He curious about her. He wanted to know more, he was way to shy to ask her anything. She walked up to this huge castle. Shadow recignized it in a second...It was the Castle of Mobius. Was she the princess Sally asked to replace her? No, she couldnt be. He hid while she went inside. He slowly drug himself up to the huge castle doors. He banged on the door. "Who are you and what do you want?" She cleared his throat, "Shadow the hedgehog, i am here to see Ms. Dark." "Ah, come in, i will page her." "No sir, i want to surprise her." Shadow pushed past the guy. He looked around the large room. "DAD! Your not fair! Just becasue i'm the princess doenst mean that i cant have fun! No one knows!" He heard Kara scream. "Kara! You will NOT leave this castle! Go downstairs NOW!" Her dad commanded. She came running down the stairs crying her eyes out. She tripped and fell. Shadow rushed over and caught her. She looked up. Her face turned red. "I know you from some were..." She said. "Hello Kara...We go to school together. I'm Shadow." He jumped out of his arms. "You cant be here! You have to go now!" she screamed. "Wait...I will leave...i just-" He was cut off by Kara dragging him down another flight of stairs. "I'm sorry, my dad was coming...Continue..." "I wanted to see who you really were. Now i know who is really behind those beautiful ruby eyes. Youre not just a pretty face..." Shadow said. "I know...You suprised that i'm a Vampire and a princess arent you?" She asked. "You're a Vampire?" Shadow asked. "Ummm...Yes..." She replide. "I am too..." Shadow said. "Really? I thought you were just a lowlife killer..." She said. "No...I am MORE than that...I want to love you...I'll be you're King. And you Vampire lover..." "Do so and love me..."
создатель: ShadowsGi...

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Использованные штампы Blingee

Для создания этой картины "the vampire diaries" было использовано 16 рисунков.
Simple Black Pattern
White Glitter Pattern
Sorry I Only Date Vampires
Bloody Hand Print  **d/n/b/**
Background halloween
Heart black
Red Blood Smear
Blood Spill
TLO, Background  transparent



rousti пишет:

1 день назад
afflicted, I do not speak englais.tu well the ace found on which site this photograph? and is the girl, it called how??? thank you very much

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