Please note I do not accept friends invites from people who are under 25 years old.

High distinction award;owner=PuddleDuckie

I am a Visual Artist, have a BCA with a double major in print making and painting. I see  myself as a mixed media artist, I love most forms of art.
I have taught secondary High school Visual Arts for 28 years.

I live on a very large property in Australia that I use for growing organic produce, vegetables, fruits, milk, meat, cheese, eggs etc
Animal lover.

kuleshova says:

To create our work, we use a lot of animated stamps. Each stamp has its own number of frame,this is approximately 4 to 16. If there are more frames, then when installed on the site, the stamp already loses several frames. Sometimes this is not noticeable. Sometimes I see lost frames, the animation jerks sharply. Each strain has its own playing time. When recording work, the program itself chooses the frame time.
For some reason, this is always the biggest time. everything becomes slow, shine disappears, movement becomes slow. The same thing happens with frames. Suppose the program has selected 12 frames. then a stamp consisting of 4 frames will be repeated 3 times and its movement will be good.
If the stamp is 8 frames, then it is fully visible 1 time and +4 frames. his movement becomes ragged. If the stamp is 16 frames, then we will not see 4 frames at all. the program itself will throw them from anywhere. it may be the beginning, it may be the end or the middle.
Redo your work “fairy” without two stamps “leaf fall” and you will see a completely different result.

I am so touched in the heart that you made this work for me, my goodness girl as I said already you are producing such an array of outstanding work, this one no exception.
I will look at it, love and cherish it! 
Not many works end up on my profile, but this one will!
Thank you for being the exceptional artist that you are and for your kindness in taking the time to complete this beautiful work for me!

COMMENTING ON YOUR WORKS ~ Please do NOT expect me to comment or critic all of your works because I can't do that, I am on this site to create and am done with spending most of my time just writing comments. Blingee for me is a place to create and not just a social site.

Warning do not steal my ideas, don't be lazy, come up with your own and competition stamps, or you will be deleted out of my circle. It's very clear to artists when someone trolls your ideas, so take this warning seriously. I don't steal other folks ideas, so don't steal mine. 

I take off into the bush several times a year and do not take my computer with me, so there are times that I will be away from the site for extended periods. 

Please don't post comments to me requesting I vote for your works in competitions, I only vote on the artistic merit of works, I will not vote for them because you are on my friends list. It's only fair to everyone in challenges and competitions that works are voted on their artistic merit, composition, originality, animations, colors, themes and creativity, or you just devalue the works that truly deserve the win. 

I always like to see the faces of ppl that I talk too, here are a couple of me;offset=305&favorites=1&owner=PuddleDuckie

Commenting on my works - PLEASE DON'T LEAVE COPY AND PASTE COMMENTS, THANK YOU. I do not leave copy and paste comments on your works, please don't leave them on mine. I find picture comments rather childish and of no educational value whatsoever. Leave copy and pastes, I will delete them sorry and if you keep doing it, I will delete you from my circle.


Elements of design
The various visual elements, known as elements of design, formal elements, or elements of art are the vocabulary with which the visual artist composes. These elements in the overall design usually relate to each other and to the whole artwork.

The elements of design are:
Line — the visual path that enables the eye to move within the piece
Shape — areas defined by edges within the piece, whether geometric or organic
Color — hues with their various values and intensities
Texture — surface qualities which translate into tactile illusions
Value — Shading used to emphasize form
Form — 3-D length, width, or depth
Space — the space taken up by (positive) or in between (negative) objects

Line and shape
Lines are optical phenomena that allow the artist to direct the eye of the viewer. The optical illusion of lines do exist in nature and visual arts elements can be arranged to create this illusion. The viewer unconsciously reads near continuous arrangement of different elements and subjects at varying distances. Such elements can be of dramatic use in the composition of the image. These could be literal lines such as telephone and power cables or rigging on boats. Lines can derive also from the borders of areas of differing color or contrast, or sequences of discrete elements. Movement is also a source of line, and blur can also create a reaction.[citation needed]
Subject lines contribute to both mood and linear perspective, giving the viewer the illusion of depth. Oblique lines convey a sense of movement and angular lines generally convey a sense of dynamism and possibly tension. Lines can also direct attention towards the main subject of picture, or contribute to organization by dividing it into compartments. The artist may exaggerate or create lines perhaps as part of their message to the viewer. Many lines without a clear subject point suggest chaos in the image and may conflict with the mood the artist is trying to evoke.
Straight left lines create different moods and add affection to visual arts. A line's angle and its relationship to the size of the frame influence the mood of the image. Horizontal lines, commonly found in landscape photography, can give the impression of calm, tranquility, and space. An image filled with strong vertical lines tends to have the impression of height and grandeur. Tightly angled convergent lines give a dynamic, lively, and active effect to the image. Strongly angled, almost diagonal lines produce tension in the image. The viewpoint of visual art is very important because every different perspective views different angled lines. This change of perspective elicits a different response to the image. By changing the perspective only by some degrees or some centimetres lines in images can change tremendously and a totally different feeling can be transported. Straight lines are also strongly influenced by tone, color, and repetition in relation to the rest of the image.
Compared to straight lines, curves provide a greater dynamic influence in a picture. They are also generally more aesthetically pleasing, as the viewer associates them with softness. In photography, curved lines can give graduated shadows when paired with soft-directional lighting, which usually results in a very harmonious line structure within the image.

Color is characterized by attributes such as hue, brightness, and saturation. Color symbolism assigns additional associations, dependent on culture. For example, white has long suggested purity, but it can also take slightly different meanings such as peace, or innocence. However, in some places (for instance, Japan and China) it signifies death.

Principles of organization
Principles of art
The artist determines what the center of interest of the art work will be, and composes the elements accordingly. The gaze of the viewer will then tend to linger over these points of interest, elements are arranged with consideration of several factors (known variously as the principles of organization, principles of art, or principles of design) into a harmonious whole which works together to produce the desired statement – a phenomenon commonly referred to as unity. Such factors in composition should not be confused with the elements of design themselves. For example, shape is an element; the usage of shape is characterized by various principles.

Some principles of organization affecting the composition of a picture are:
Shape and proportion
Positioning/orientation/balance/harmony among the elements

The area within the field of view used for the picture ("cropping")
The path or direction followed by the viewer's eye when they observe the image.
Negative space
Contrast: the value, or degree of lightness and darkness, used within the picture.
Arrangement: for example, use of the golden mean or the rule of thirds
Illumination or lighting
Repetition (sometimes building into pattern; rhythm also comes into play, as does geometry)
Breaking the rules can create tension or unease, yet it can add interest to the picture if used carefully
Viewpoint (leading with the eye)
The position of the viewer can strongly influence the aesthetics of an image, even if the subject is entirely imaginary and viewed "within the mind's eye". Not only does it influence the elements within the picture, but it also influences the viewer's interpretation of the subject.
For example, if a boy is photographed from above, perhaps from the eye level of an adult, he is diminished in stature. A photograph taken at the child's level would treat him as an equal, and one taken from below could result in an impression of dominance. Therefore, the photographer is choosing the viewer's positioning.

A subject can be rendered more dramatic when it fills the frame. There exists a tendency to perceive things as larger than they actually are, and filling the frame full fills this psychological mechanism. This can be used to eliminate distractions from the background.

Compositional techniques 
There are numerous approaches or "compositional techniques" to achieve a sense of unity within an artwork, depending on the goals of the artist. For example, a work of art is said to be aesthetically pleasing to the eye if the elements within the work are arranged in a balanced compositional way.However, there are artists such as Salvador Dalí who aim to disrupt traditional composition and challenge the viewer to rethink balance and design elements within art works.

Conventional composition can be achieved with a number of techniques:
Rule of thirds-The rule of thirds is a composition guide that states that arranging the important features of an image on or near the horizontal and vertical lines that would divide the image into thirds horizontally and vertically is visually pleasing. The objective is to stop the subject(s) and areas of interest (such as the horizon) from bisecting the image, by placing them near one of the lines that would divide the image into three equal columns and rows, ideally near the intersection of those lines. 

Rule of odds
The "rule of odds" states that by framing the object of interest with an even number of surrounding objects, it becomes more comforting to the eye, thus creates a feeling of ease and pleasure. It is based on the assumption that humans tend to find visual images that reflect their own preferences/wishes in life more pleasing and attractive.
The "rule of odds" suggests that an odd number of subjects in an image is more interesting than an even number. Thus if you have more than one subject in your picture, the suggestion is to choose an arrangement with at least three subjects. An even number of subjects produces symmetries in the image, which can appear less natural for a naturalistic, informal composition.
An image of a person surrounded/framed by two other persons, for instance, where the person in the center is the object of interest in that image/artwork, is more likely to be perceived as friendly and comforting by the viewer, than an image of a single person with no significant surroundings.

Rule of space
The rule of space applies to artwork, picturing object(s) to which the artist wants to apply the illusion of movement, or which is supposed to create a contextual bubble in the viewer's mind.
This can be achieved, for instance, by leaving white space in the direction the eyes of a portrayed person are looking, or, when picturing a runner, adding white space in front of him rather than behind him to indicate movement.

Images with clutter can distract from the main elements within the picture and make it difficult to identify the subject. By decreasing the extraneous content, the viewer is more likely to focus on the primary objects. Clutter can also be reduced through the use of lighting, as the brighter areas of the image tend to draw the eye, as do lines, squares and colour. In painting, the artist may use less detailed and defined brushwork towards the edges of the picture.Removing the elements to the focus of the object, taking only the needed components.

Related to the rule of odds is the observation that triangles are an aesthetically pleasing implied shape within an image. In a canonically attractive face, the mouth and eyes fall within the corners of the area of an equilateral triangle. Paul Cézanne successfully used triangles in his compositions of still lifes. A triangular format creates a sense of stability and strength.

Creating movement
It is generally thought to be more pleasing to the viewer if the image encourages the eye to move around the image, rather than immediately fixating on a single place or no place in particular. Artists will often strive to avoid creating compositions that feel "static" or "flat" by incorporating movement into the image. For example in two pictures 2 mountains are equally sized and positioned beside each other creating a very static and uninteresting image. In the other picture mountains are differently sized and one is placed closer to the horizon, guiding the eye to move from one mountain to the other creating a more interesting and pleasing image. This also feels more natural because in nature objects are rarely the same size and evenly spaced.
Other techniques

There should be a center of interest or focus in the work, to prevent it becoming a pattern in itself;
The direction followed by the viewer's eye should lead the viewer's gaze around all elements in the work before leading out of the picture;
The subject should not be facing out of the image;
Exact bisections of the picture space should be avoided;
Small, high contrast, elements have as much impact as larger, duller elements;
The prominent subject should be off-centre, unless a symmetrical or formal composition is desired, and can be balanced by smaller satellite elements
the horizon line should not divide the art work in two equal parts but be positioned to emphasize either the sky or ground; showing more sky if painting is of clouds, sun rise/set, and more ground if a landscape
These principles can be means of a good composition yet they cannot be applied separately but should act together to form a good composition.
Also, in your work no spaces between the objects should be the same. They should vary in shape and size. That creates a much more interesting image

Open and closed compostions,
An open composition is made by extending your compostion out of the picture, like a man stepping out of the frame, a closed composition is where everything is contained within the frame or boarders of your picture. Open compositions are useually more interesting than closed compositions.


  • Times In the Spotlight: 160
  • Badges: 477
  • Gold Blingees: 1,016
  • Silver Blingees: 2,315
  • Stamp Contributions: 1,012
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DouceSophie says:

1034 days ago
to make Blingees is possible, I am very happy !!!read my profile if you want to know how is this possible!

yourlovestory... says:

1151 days ago
hi i haven't been here for years. is blingee shutting down? how is everyone making blingees without flash adobe? help! i can't make blingees. is there an email where i can write to blingee? thanks!

alwayswellsaid says:

1181 days ago
I am thinking you would know best what the situation is with Adobe Flash Player and the site. My understanding is it should work, but without any direct support from ADOBE. Please help. Also are the stamps usable for upload to make more?
Are we back to no social networking with cut and paste loneliness?

BBB338 says:

1238 days ago
Happy Healthy New Year 2021!
Dear Robin,

For safety of your computer, from possible hackers,  Adobe says to uninstall Adobe Flash Player by 12-1-2021 (Jan. 12, 2021). Already 3 countries in Europe that I know of BLOCKED-Flash Player-Germany, Italy, and Poland. Here is the link to the warning I got:

Important to read this page! I uninstalled mine! Hopefully, Blingee finds a solution soon!
I am Mollycat2020 on pixmix!

passionpussycat says:

1251 days ago
Merry Christmas Sweetie!:)


nataliplus says:

1256 days ago
Merry Christmas my dear friend!

passionpussycat says:

1508 days ago
A Gift For You Sweetie:)

Enjoy :)

Sorry its a few days late:(

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