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I'd do anything to keep you always best friend M...

I'd do anything to keep you always best friend Meggy <333
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4 投票数.

OMG I MISS BLINGEE MAKING BUT NOT AS MUCH AS I MISSED MY BEST FRIEND MEGGY. What are the odds 6 years later here we are talking again? true friends always make they way make to each other, and I thought just a few years ago we would never speak again [...]
minimeggy15 (2420日 前)
ill be there to support you and help you, i hope you get your dream job and your life is amazing like you deserve it <3 
but yeah, 6 years later, so crazy. were 19 and so old and still friends omg. love you forever. one day we'll meet <3 (...)
minimeggy15 (2420日 前)
i really wanna talk to you more often, wish i could come on here more often, and wish we could talk on different social media, i miss you. <3 thank you for the blingee, its adorable <3 "id do anything to keep you always smiling" :*

Queen Miley for my Meggy ♥

Queen Miley for my Meggy ♥
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12 投票数.

- i will always want you. ♥ love you forever my meggy ♥
nermai (3727日 前)
it's so fantastic!!! :D
minimeggy15 (3727日 前)
baby thank you aw♥ the blingee is so pretty & my queen miley *-*
i love you so much ♥ 

Happy 2 years love :*

Happy 2 years love :*
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9 投票数.

October 21, 2011 with my wife<33 Meggy ;D I loves you girly, even though we havn't talked forever D; you are my other half and just my beautiful wife :* my best friend, my #1, my one and only, ilyyyy<333 Hope we talk soon hun. I remember every moment [...]
minimeggy15 (3832日 前)
i'm seriously crying.. you are amazing :') do i even deserve to have a bestfriend (wife) like you? :'''') you are toooo perfect for me. our friendship means so much to me <3 ugh your perfect <3 THIS BLINGEE IS WOWOW. MY LOVE ARIANA<3 AW THANK YOU YOU'RE AMAZING<3 ik i said "youre amazing" one million times but its true, youre a true perfection :) love ya queen 
lousei (3796日 前)
Beautiful  5*****     
The rose of Friendship for you ♥ 

Happy birthday to my best friend. :*

Happy birthday to my best friend. :*
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10 投票数.

Happy belated birthday to my lovie Meggy<3 I am so happy we talked tonight, I feel complete again to have you back by my side because you are the biggest piece of me! You are my everything. You are simply the best of the best, my #1!<33 I love you ab [...]
minimeggy15 (3832日 前)
oh my god, thank you so much! i'm so sorry i just saw it today but its amazing <333 you mean so much to me, a true friend, omg<3 :') THE BLINGEE LOOKS STUNNING<3 Ariana and Liz *-* wow. thank you again baby, youre amazing <33 xox
lousei (3796日 前)
Beautiful  5*****     
The rose of Friendship for you ♥ 

You are my best friend.

You are my best friend.
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10 投票数.

Meggy *_* Oh my god! One year my girl. October 21 2011 the way met ;* I miss you and I wish you were still here, you are my happiness. ilyssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss [...]
minimeggy15 (4224日 前)
AWN BABY, THIS IS SO CUTE<3 i remember when we just met, awnnn:,) this blingee is so beautiful! ariana & liz, my idols *-* i missed u soooo much but now im back (:
lousei (3796日 前)
Beautiful  5*****     
The rose of Friendship for you ♥ 

♥Best Friends♥ {I Love You Girls!}

♥Best Friends♥ {I Love You Girls!}
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22 投票数.

Vous êtes juste parfaites♥ You are just perfect♥ Anna♥Lali♥Vicky♥Poly♥Pauline♥Eve♥Bia♥Dalmy♥Ana♥Aurore♥Meggy♥Marci ♥Veri♥Cathy♥Pao♥Emma♥Hannah♥Nanis♥etc♥ Désolée, le texte est très très court...j'espere que ces quelques mots suffiront à vous prouver [...]
KiwiPower (4344日 前)
je t'aime très très fort<3<3 
et merci pour ce blingee magnifique.
michelle1... (4316日 前)
ɱɑgɳiԲicɛɳt ɑʀt wѳʀk

my life with you is like a paradise ♥

my life with you is like a paradise ♥
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8 投票数.

Léa, Hannah, Eva, Nanis, Olivia, Emma & Meggy ce blingee est pour vous. A vous 7 vous m'apporter du bonheur, dès que je vois un commentaire d'une d'entre vous j'ai de suite un énorme sourire qui s'affiche sur mon visage. Vous pouvez pas savoir à quel [...]
choupie2345 (4355日 前)
haaaaaan mon amouuuuur de toujouuuuurs *-*
ce blingee est tellement magnifique! comme toi ma biche...<3 tu es vraiment exceptionnelle, tu ne t'imagines même pas à quel point :') ça va faire déjà un moment qu'on s'est rencontrées sur blingee, et pourtant j'ai toujours des choses à te dire et des délires à partager avec toi :) c'est ça qui est fantastique <3
tu es une amie en OR ma Poly! <3
Vaillaaaaaaaaant! (je crois que c'est le délire qui m'a le plus marquée xD)
smileyjonas (4347日 前)
Oh ma meilleure il est trop beau et t'inqiète moi non plus j'oublie rien ! Tu es trop importante pour moi ! Je t'aime plus que tout <3 
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