σfflínє nσw

¸.•♥•.¸¸.•♥•lαcєч míα jαmíє's вlíngєє prσfílє•♥•.¸¸.•♥•.¸
---> * coммenт / raтe тнιѕ proғιle pιcтυre * <--- 
(♥(wєlcσmє tσ mч вlíngєє pαgє)♥)
♥ѕнe'ѕ new нere pleaѕe geт тo ĸnow нer, ѕнe'ѕ noт a мeanιe lιĸe ѕoмe people are. тell yoυ'll ғrιendѕ тoo add нer тoo♥
♥♥add нer pleaѕe ---> http://blingee.com/profile/ѕogeĸιng.мadelιnè <--- add нer pleaѕe♥♥
*(!♥!plєαsє rєαd thís!♥!)*
íf чσu líkє mч stαmp, чσu mαч usє thєm í dσn't cαrє íf чσu dσ σr dσn't, чσu mαч dσ whαt чσu wαnt, вut íf чσu wαnnα usє mч stαmp plєαsє fєєl frєє tσ usє αs mαnч αs чσu wσuld líkє. thαnk чσu fσr usíng mч stαmps. plєαsє tєll єvєrчσnє tσ usє thєm..
σnlínє (*♥*) σfflínє () вє ríght вαck ()
(♥(αll αвσut mє)♥)
♥nαmє: lαcєч míα jαmíє
♥nícknαmє: míα / lízzíє
♥вírthdαч: αug 29th
♥αgє: 19 чrs σld
♥hσmєtσwn: вuffαlσ, nєw чσrk
♥stαtus: sínglє
♥σríєntαtíσn: вísєхuαl
♥mσσd: vєrч hαppч :dd
♥fαvσrítє cσlσr: вluє &+ вlαck &+ rєd *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
♥fαvσrítє tчpє σf musíc: hαrdcσrє, scrєαm-σ, mєtαl, hαrd rσck, rσck, hєαvч mєtαl єmσ 
♥fαvσrítє вαnd: αvєngєd sєvєnfσld, slípknσt, kσrn, sєєthєr, αlєsαnα, αll thαt rєmαíns, αpσcαlчptícα, вrєαkíng вєnjαmín, вullєt fσr mч vαlєntínє, dєftσnєs, dísturвєd, chєvєllє, drσwníng pσσl, єvαnєssєncє, αmч lєє, єчєs sєt tσ kíll, flчlєαf, grєєn dαч, hєч mσndαч, fαll σut вσчs, hσllчwσσd undєαd, kíllswítch єngαgє, lαcunα cσíl, línkín pαrk, mαrílчn mαnsσn, nícklєвαck, pαpα rσαch, pαrαmσrє, sєαsσns αftєr, shínєdσwn, skíllєt, tαprσσt, thєσrч σf α dєαdmαn, thrєє dαчs grαcє,  wє αrє thє fαllєn, чєllσwcαrd, αvírl lαvígnє, єvαns вluє
♥fαvσrítє tчpє σf mσvíє: sαw 1, sαw 2, sαw 3, sαw 4, sαw 5, sαw 6, trσll 1, trσll 2, cαrríє, slєєp αwαч cαmp 1, slєєp αwαч cαmp 2, slєєp αwαч cαmp 3, frídαч thє 13th, níghtmαrє σn єlm strєєt, frєddч vs jαsσn & mσrє
♥mч sístєrs σn вlíngєє♥
♥zσrσ_rσrσnσα_lαdч αkα rσsα♥
♥ххí.lσvє.u.хх αkα dαísч♥
♥αmg97 αkα αlαnα♥
♥sσgєkíng.mαndlínè αkα mαndєlínè♥
♥míα.вєllα αkα míα♥
♥dαrk.єmσ.míchєllє.cruz αkα míchєllє♥
♥hαwαíí867 αkα kíkí♥
♥jєnnα.mαríє.αdαms αkα jєnnα♥
♥thís ís mє & rσsα shαrєd αccσunt σn вlíngєє♥
(♥(plєαsє αdd us!!!)♥)
♥whαt mч вlíngєє fríєnds mαdє mє♥
1) http://bln.gs/b/1wahpm

2) http://bln.gs/b/1wfcym

3) http://bln.gs/b/1wgtys

4) http://bln.gs/b/1wl8dy

5) http://bln.gs/b/1wlbj3 

6) http://bln.gs/b/1wx38a

1) http://bln.gs/b/1wg8pz

2) http://bln.gs/b/1wznfc

1) http://bln.gs/b/1witl6

1) http://bln.gs/b/1wvtnu

2) http://bln.gs/b/1wzrzt

3) http://bln.gs/b/1wz0nl

4) http://bln.gs/b/1x30fx

1) http://bln.gs/b/1wzpe6

1) http://bln.gs/b/1x0dgr
♥muч hαppч вírthdαч вlíngєє♥
http://bln.gs/b/1x2wkc < мade вy мιcнelle >
http://bln.gs/b/1x2xdk < мade вy daιѕy >
http://bln.gs/b/1x310s < мade вy мιa >
http://bln.gs/b/1x3ljw < мade вy alana >
http://bln.gs/b/1x3kqz < мade вy тwιn roѕa >
http://bln.gs/b/1x3ng7 < мade вy ѕogeĸιng >
♥mч hαckєr's♥
♥hαckєd вч rσsαlíndα αkα zσrσ_rσrσnσα_lαdч♥

thís gírl ríght hєrє ís thє вєst єvєr. чσu guчs dσn't knσw whσ чσur míssíng σut σn. shє wíll αlwαчs hєlp σut αnd shє ís α vєrч nícє gírl tσσ. αnd shє ís vєrч swєєt αs wєll. чσu wíll lσvє just αs much αs í dσ. í lσvє чσu sís!!!! (:
♥hαckєd вч mαdєlínè єscuzzч *sσgєkíng.mαdєlínè*

mє αnd lαcєч αrє fσrєvєr thє sσgєkíng lσvєrs. αnd σnlч mє αnd thís gírl ríght hєrє αrє thє σnєs whσ σwn hím σnlч. αnd thís gírl ríght hєrє ís thє вєst єvєr αnd fσr αlwαчs í wíll lσvє thís lαdч hєrє. shє cαlls mє funnч nαmєs lσl. í`m hєr sєх kíttєn lσl αnd prσud tσ вє σnє, lσl
♥put thís σn чσur prσfílє íf чσur α fαn σf thєm♥



*~*trч nσt tσ crч*~*

mσmmч... jσhnnч вrσught α gun tσ schσσl,
hє tσld hís fríєnds thαt ít wαs cσσl,
αnd whєn hє pullєd thє tríggєr вαck,
ít shσt wíth α grєαt crαck.
mσmmч, í wαs α gσσd gírl, í díd whαt í wαs tσld,
í wєnt tσ schσσl, í gσt strαíght α's, í єvєn gσt thє gσld!
вut mσmmч, whєn í wєnt tσ schσσl thαt dαч,
í nєvєr sαíd gσσd-вчє,
í'm sσrrч, mσmmч, í hαd tσ gσ, вut mσmmч, plєαsє dσn't crч.
whєn jσhnnч shσt thє gun, hє hít mє αnd αnσthєr,
αnd αll вєcαusє jσhnnч, gσt thє gun frσm hís σldєr вrσthєr.
mσmmч, plєαsє tєll dαddч; thαt í lσvє hím vєrч much,
αnd plєαsє tєll zαch; mч вσчfríєnd; thαt ít wαsn't just α crush.
αnd tєll mч líttlє sístєr; thαt shє ís thє σnlч σnє nσw,
αnd tєll mч dєαr swєєt grαndmσthєr; í'll вє wαítíng fσr hєr nσw,
αnd tєll mч wσndєrful fríєnds; thαt thєч αlwαчs wєrє thє вєst;
mσmmч, í'm nσt thє fírst, í'm nσ вєttєr thαn thє rєst.
mσmmч, tєll mч tєαchєrs; í wσn't shσw up fσr clαss,
αnd nєvєr tσ fσrgєt thís, αnd plєαsє dσn't lєt thís pαss.
mσmmч, whч'd ít hαvє tσ вє mє?
nσ σnє dєsєrvєs thís,
mσmmч, wαrn thє σthєrs,
mσmmч, í lєft wíthσut α kíss.
αnd mσmmч tєll thє dσctσrs; í knσw thєч rєαllч díd trч,
í thínk í єvєn sαw α dσctσr, trчíng nσt tσ crч.
mσmmч, í'm slσwlч dчíng, wíth α вullєt ín mч chєst,
вut mσmmч plєαsє rєmєmвєr, í'm ín hєαvєn wíth thє rєst.
mσmmч í rαn αs fαst αs í cσuld,
whєn í hєαrd thαt crαck, mσmmч, lístєn tσ mє íf чσu wσuld,
í wαntєd tσ gσ tσ cσllєgє,
í wαntєd tσ trч thíngs thαt wєrє nєw,
í guєss í'm nσt gσíng wíth dαddч, σn thαt tríp tσ thє nєw zσσ.
í wαntєd tσ gєt mαrríєd,
í wαntєd tσ hαvє α kíd,
í wαntєd tσ вє αn αctrєss, mσmmч, í wαntєd tσ lívє.
вut mσmmч, í must gσ nσw, thє tímє ís gєttíng lαtє,
mσmmч, tєll mч zαch, í'm sσrrч вut í hαd tσ cαncєl thє dαtє.
í lσvє чσu, mσmmч, í αlwαчs hαvє, í knσw; чσu knσw ít's truє,
αnd mσmmч αll í wαntєd tσ sαч ís, "mσmmч, í lσvє чσu."
****ín mєmσrч σf thє cσlumвínє studєnts whσ wєrє lσst****
plєαsє íf чσu wσuld,
pαss thís αrσund,
í'd вє hαppч íf чσu cσuld,
dσn't smαsh thís σn thє grσund.
íf чσu pαss thís σn,
mαчвє pєσplє wíll crч,
just kєєp thís ín чσur hєαrt,
fσr thє pєσplє whσ dídn't gєt tσ sαч "gσσd-вчє".
nσw чσu hαvє twσ chσícєs,

1. pαss thís σn, αnd shσw pєσplє чσu cαrє, rєpσst αs "trч nσt tσ crч".

2. dσn't rєpσst ít, αnd чσu hαvє just prσvєn hσw cσld-hєαrtєd чσu rєαllч αrє.


  • Times In the Spotlight: 2
  • Badges: 47
  • Gold Blingees: 51
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  • Stamp Contributions: 1,912
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jσhn cєnα
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christa77 says:

4665 days ago
With Love For All My Wonderful Friends


christa77 says:

4687 days ago
Hi baby, please LOOK THIS BLINGEE


Is about Miley and Liam

SoFluffyICoul... says:

4851 days ago
Mia! [<3]

christa77 says:

4889 days ago
SWEETHEART ,You are considered as 1 of the LOVELIEST souls on BLINGEE. Once you've been selected you must chose 15 of the most BEAUTIFUL beings in your contact list; If you are awarded this distinction more than once, then you will know that you are EXCEPTIONALLY beautiful! Cut and paste this on your page of 15 beautiful friends you know LOVE U ♥ ♫

staples101 says:

4912 days ago
This message is for who rocks blingee group. 

Please vote for your top three entries in order. Voting will run until sunday november 28th at 8:00pm eastern standard time. Good luck to all contestants!! Also remember that you can not vote for yourself!!


o.O.Epic_Fail... says:

4915 days ago
may he rest in peace:
Brandon Bitner commited suicide in the town of Pittston,PA 2 weeks ago due to bullying,pass this to everyone in your circle to raise awarness on how this "bullying"  thing has to stop ! be strong,pass it on

staples101 says:

4926 days ago
This message is for who rocks blingee group. 

For this cycle voting is going to be a little different. You are going to just vote on your top three entries in order. Voting will run until Sunday November 14th at 8:00pm eastern standard time. Remember that you can not vote for yourself. Good luck to all contestants!! 



staples101 says:

4933 days ago
Welcome to cycle 4 in who rocks blingee. Challange 1 is up. Good luck!! 

This weeks challange is going to be to choose one of ten celebrities and one of ten colors (listed in the forum). Then make a blingee using those. The challange will go until Friday November 12th at 8:00pm eastern standard time. 


If any questions please ask on my home page. 

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