profil de Samai1405

Sorry to say - I don't have much time to be in Blingee and I can't make any pictures with firefox here. I am NOT going to use any other browser for Blingee.
Maybe I'll come back - who knows?


  • Nombre de fois mis en vedette: 723
  • Badges: 244
  • Blingees Palme d'or: 435
  • Blingees Palme d'argent: 495
  • Contributions de Stamps: 7,200
  • Cartes postales: 0

Mes candidats pour les compétitions

Hugo wants Santa's cookies
Hugo wants Santa's cookies
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Аюся dit:

Il y a 1605 jours
Happy New Year! May this year bring us a lot of happiness, good luck, a smile, warmth and light. Let it be full of bright colors, pleasant impressions and joyful events. I wish everyone in the new year to be healthy, beautiful and successful!

Laureannesophie dit:

Il y a 1612 jours
♥Schöne Weihnachten für dich
Glückliche Tage und Segenslicht
Goldene Freuden und strahlendes Glück
und ein leuchtendes Herz am Stück♥

Laureannesophie dit:

Il y a 1620 jours
Einen schönen 3. Advent wünscht dir Angelika♥
nice 3rd Advent♥
In den adventverklärten Himmel,
wiegt dich zart ein Licht empor.
Was wäre all dein Sinnen
ohne Sternenflor.
© Beat Jan

Laureannesophie dit:

Il y a 1835 jours
Happy Birthday :)

Аюся dit:

Il y a 1901 jours
Happy International Women's Day! Let spring bloom not only in the street, but also in the soul. Happiness to you, well-being and harmony. I wish all your days to be sunny, bright and memorable, to always be cozy and warm in your house

Аюся dit:

Il y a 1909 jours
Let spring knock on your window with the warm rays of the sun, the ringing song of birds and the scent of flowers. Let it be warm and light in your heart and soul, and this spring will bring inspiration, lightness and quivering. So that every morning you wake up with pleasure, inhaling the day that came to your full chest. With the first day of spring!

Аюся dit:

Il y a 1927 jours
On Valentine's Day, I want to never wish to betray my dream and believe in my bright love, to show tenderness and care for loved ones, to fly in the clouds of happiness and to catch inspiration, to make beautiful deeds and good deeds.

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