she is my world

Mode Pleine page Mode Onglet
Sitting in the Morning Mist of My Forest
For Those Swetess Pie Friend Of The World: BEA&CASSIE&PARAMORE992&BELLA
Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?
Mom and I are best friends forever (I love my MOM)
This is a Glimpse Of How I Live My Life
She is a skater girl, not see ya later girl~
My Okami Character
BBP - August  Beauty Pageant '09 - AMANDA MARSHALL
To Where You Are..Dedicated to my mom
Happy to be back with My Family}{Love all of you so much}
♥ She's a pretty special Girl ♥

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Happy New Year 2023

Créé par: beba_zo

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