"Christian Blingee Group"

"Christian Blingee Group"

I would love to have you in my group! I will have a monthly challenge with the winner picking the next months theme.

  • Создатель: vsm1951
  • Количество участников: 33
  • Количество Blingee: 1156
Записаться в эту группу!
This link is to be in my circle of friends.

This link is to join my group.

  Please no nudity will be accepted!
Feel free to add any G-Rated clean blingees of your choice at anytime. 

When there is a group icon contest going on, you must add your blingees to the group and also in the group forum. 

To add blingees click on "my membership" at the bottom left of this profile. Then click "add a blingee to this group." then pick which of your blingees you would like to add. Add as many as you want for fun, but for the contest you may choose two.
 Then for voting round you choose one that isn't yours that you like best from the contest and add the link and owners name to the group forum.

Christian, Humorous, pets, pretty, cute, fantasy, romance, flowers, vintage, sports, westerns etc. Please no celebrities, movies, vampires, Gothic, horror, or demonic blingees will be accepted.

*The Winner of the group icon contest for September 2011 is becky_rose35 her winning Blingee is the group icon for October and she will pick the theme for October as well. Congratulations to Becky and thank you for entering the contest! *
Here is the link to her winning creation



1. I'll have one challenge per month.

2. The winner each month will get to choose the   theme for the following month, and also their profile picture will be the group icon following the month that they win. becky_rose35 has chosen the theme for Octobers group icon contest as Noah's Ark.
3. You may enter up to 2 blingees per contest.

4. You add your blingees to the group forum by posting the link to it, click on theme topic in group forum to add your two blingees that you want to enter in the contest.

5. When voting starts post the link to the one blingee you like best and wish to vote for in the group forum with the owners name and link. You can only pick one, it cannot be your own.

6 The theme contest for this month starts on October 1st and ends on October 24th.

7. Voting round will be October 24th to October 30th.

8.The winner will be announced on October 31st.

    Good Luck to all, and may God Bless!


Форум группы

Next Month Challenge, Noah's Ark
обновил: AriyAriy, 1 день назад
посты: 6
This Weeks Theme
обновил: vsm1951, 4629 дней назад
посты: 14
обновил: Sirikith, 4657 дней назад
посты: 1
This weeks theme
обновил: vsm1951, 4658 дней назад
посты: 0
"Christian Blingees"
обновил: vsm1951, 4690 дней назад
посты: 0