WWW.SECONDLIFE.COM is a virtual world! Millions are on there and this group is for the blingees made from in world pics! Come show off your secondlife life! *wink* Everyone welcome!

  • Создатель: mzselinakyle
  • Количество участников: 5
  • Количество Blingee: 3
Записаться в эту группу!

    *~*~*~*~*~*  SECOND LIFE FANS!  *~*~*~*~*~*

____*########################*  I
_____*#######################* LOVE
______*#####################* WWW.
________*##################* Secondlife
_________*################* .COM !

Visit our little world at WWW.SECONDLIFE.COM :))

I made this little group for everyone who goes Second! :)) 
ALL for us and our Blingees from our pictures and our stories! etc..... :)

Second life is an amazing 3d virtual world where you create for yourself and control a whole other life where you really can do just about anything! 

THE most REALISTIC virtual world out there, the most popular too! SL even has their own real life bank because it spans the whole world in popularity :) 

You can meet anyone there from just about anywhere on earth! You can be a member for Free too :)) 
Go try it if you haven't visited yet!!

This group is just beginning so be patient with me while I set up some Blingees and pictures! 

If you have photos from second life that you have already blinged please do share them! 
~~~~Lets show how cool second life is!

Later we will have contests and challenges with different themes! 

Get your SL camera ready to snap pics of Second life!
Much love!!

____*########################* WE
_____*#######################* LOVE
______*#####################* SECOND
________*##################* LIFE
_________*################* .com!!


Форум группы

Come say Hello! :))
обновил: beatrixkiddow, 5338 дней назад
посты: 2
How did you find second life?
обновил: mzselinakyle, 5399 дней назад
посты: 2