Good Luck (Elephants)

Good Luck (Elephants)
(Knight of Swords Tarot Card Meanings and Description) The Knight of Swords shows a young woman in her armor riding a powerful white horse into the midst of a battle in the distance. The white color of the horse symbolizes the purity of the intellectual energy that motivates the rider. The sky behind her is filled with storm clouds and the trees are tossed wildly by the wind. The horse’s harness is decorated with images of butterflies and birds and the knight’s cape is also decorated with birds. She charges forward with great momentum and apparently without any regard to the dangers she may encounter. (Meaning Upright) When we are obsessed by an idea and wish to manifest that idea, we are often so blinded by the desire for its fulfillment that we fail to see the difficulties we may encounter or the consequences of our actions. The Knight of Swords is a powerful figure full of life and energy who needs to be balanced with a realization of responsibility and compassion. Once she has set forth on her journey, there is no stopping her! She does not see, nor care about, any upcoming challenges, risks or dangers, and instead moves forward with her strong intent to succeed and win. On the positive side, this card shows great ambition, determination and strength to succeed no matter what. On the negative side, however, she can be blind to potential challenges and consequences of her actions, and may charge forth into a dangerous territory without any foresight or preparation. She may also neglect to understand the needs of others as she fervently pursues her own goals. The Knight of Swords often reflects a time when you are embarking on a new project or idea and there really is no stopping you. You have had this sudden burst of energy that is propelling you forward and inspiring you to take quick action to manifest your goals. You are ready to overcome any problem, challenge or obstacle that is in your path. How could anything stand in your way if you are this focused and this committed to your goal? However, you may be prone to rushing things or cutting corners in order to get a job done. Sometimes this works for you but other times it does not. For example, using low cost providers will help you get the job done quickly and cheaply but quality may suffer in the long-term and you may consume more time fixing their work. Also, ensure that you keep others on side, particularly if they are part of your longer-term success. You might be all fired up and ready to go but if your colleagues, partner, friends, or family are not, then you are likely to run into trouble later down the track. The Knight of Swords also represents your need to understand the world from an intellectual point of view. You have well-developed communication skills and can easily form solid arguments and opinions on current affairs and important matters. You love to engage with others who have similar skills so that you can share your ideas and develop new points of view. You may be best suited to discussion groups with like-minded individuals where you can fire each other up and motivate one another. Are you avoiding the cold reality of a situation? Were you too blunt with someone who needed to be told some news in a more gingerly fashion? Is it past time for some plain talk between you and a lover? Were you so insulated from criticism that you developed a thin skin and are now having it pinched at the most casual comments from friends and strangers alike? Have you been dealing with a boss who seems to assign jobs that can never be delivered fast nor perfect enough? Look for the Knight of Swords to appear in your Tarot reading. This is not a card of bad news, so much as a signal of information arriving at an inconvenient time and delivered in an inelegant manner. A woman on horseback rides against a windstorm; she is on a white stallion and clad in armor. Her cape blows up and her horse stretches for speed. The wind is blowing trees and clouds with great force right at her, but her only response to this opposition is to raise a sword even higher as she charges on. Knights are the Tarot's way to deliver something. Swords represent ideas, words and thoughts. When the Knight delivers her words to you, the idea behind what is being said becomes apparent quite rapidly. The white horse indicates that the message being delivered is pure. There is no intent to harm with these thoughts and words, but the person speaking them may not be aware of how they sound or the disruption they cause to the daily routine. Someone who is sensitive about her or her belief system will feel trampled by the Knight's horse when challenges to these core beliefs are expressed. This card is quite powerful for you when it is dealt in the future position. The Knight of Swords is at her most powerful when her visit is a surprise. When her arrival has been announced and prepared for, you, the receiver of her visit, are in charge. This card here lets you know that a critique is coming. It warns you of unreasonable demands in a negotiation that will soon commence. It lets you know that those closest to you will not finesse words when their interests are challenged. Use the knowledge of this coming communication to protect yourself from the damage that ordinarily arrives with the Knight of Swords: damage we cause to ourselves by being unprepared. When the Knight of Wands accompanies the Knight of Swords, art or song express an idea and do it in a shockingly powerful manner. Yuna Live Your Life:
creado por: TheArtofH...

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