Music Lover

Music Lover
"...I was eventually offered a place in the syndicate. The syndicate was presented to me as a kind of fraternity, a masonic-like mutual profit organization with strong police- like overtones. I was told that I was helping to build a better society. However, I have never been given any of the advancement opportunities I was promised. The "advancement system" of the syndicate is a slippery slope. They make you give up your security priveliges, so eventually all of your communications are watched (which is why I composed this email offline where they can't see me, and sent it via an internet cafe) and you have to attend meeting after meeting of mind-numbing pledges and chants. The premise is that if you sign contracts giving up personal liberties for the group, and you are genuinely innocent, then you will be promoted. I have only been promoted once, to the rank of manager, and I don't feel as if it is a rewarding experience. Worse, you are never allowed to leave because they think you will give away secrets. Leaving is only permissible with a special contract that permits the syndicate to destroy your credibility (usually they make sure that the most attention any secrets that you reveal get is from crackpot UFO magazines, or diagnose you with schizophrenia). There are other problems. If you have children, you have to send them to education in syndicate owned schools. If you have a wife, you have to report on her, allow her to be spied upon, and be prepared to target her if they decide to turn her into a TI. The official "compensation" policy is that you will get to keep the children if she lodges a divorce. However, you won't get to keep most of her material goods. They only want her to lose in the divorce proceedings so she gets nothing, not so the husband gets anything, so the syndicate takes it back as a tithe. I suppose I should introduce the syndicate in a little more detail. I'm still not sure precisely what it is trying to do. To everyday citizens, it presents itself as a group trying to monitor terrorists (or any other kind of flavour- of-the-month undesirables like gays/communists/witches) and drive them out. To other people, its a rotary club/chamber of commerce type operation. To others still, the most twisted conspiratorial minds, it is an organization that pulls the strings behind everything. To the puritan, it is a cleansing force. To the deviant, it is a gang of other deviants where everything is permissible. It's the syndicate to everyone, though. I don't know the extent of what it owns. I do, however, know a great deal about the targeting process. When we get targets, we divide them into four categories: mercenary, practice, planning, and enemy. Mercenary targets are bought by outside parties. We advertise under a range of guises, from ads by "individuals" claiming to be able to kidnap people, to practical jokers. Some groups, like big corporations and some governments (the government of Xxxxxx pays us to keep some people busy, so do the Xxxxxxs when they have too many people protesting whaling) know fully well what sort of services we do, so we don't really hide them. We get a lot of money from them, but we can still muster up a fair bit if worst comes to worst. I'm not sure so much about the NWO theory. Maybe the Xxxxxxx count, but you'd be surprised at how much money we can get from crime. I don't mean that we go out robbing people, but we can outsource money from biker gangs/skinheads/drug dealers pretty easily. Our syndicate gets a lot of support from people in rough areas like Xxxxxx and Xxxx's Xxxx. Because there are areas with a lot of people in genuine need, who would leap at the thought of fighting back at the criminals, we can always find allies to pressure the criminal portions of society. Of course, they are only pressuring them into giving us money, but it's a pretty cozy arrangement. The second type of target is the practice target. We use them to train mobs. The targets don't actually change, because we don't want TOO many people fighting back at us. But we do rotate trainees between practice targets. This stops the person seeing the same people every time there's a street show. Then there are planning targets. These are selected by the syndicate for some reason or rather but aren't paid for by mercenaries. You can usually tell the difference between planning and practice targets because they send people with experience after them. They're still chosen by the same people though. The practice ones are of course chosen for their timidity. I don't know how the planning ones are chosen. Enemy targets are people that decide they've had enough and turn against us. Since they protest and try to foil our plans (which, considering that our jobs are already nervy, is a real pain in the arse), we try to really give them hell. The best way, of course, is through the psychs. My supervisor used to say that the Soviets had it right with Sluggishly Progressing Schizophrenia. Some people up-top are proposing that we just kill them and have them declared Natural Causes or Accidental by the coroner. It isn't likely to happen, though. Anyway, I should introduce the main branches of the syndicate. Each branch recruits its own (everybody is a member of one of the branches) instead of people just joining a common pool. This keeps the work separate and stops people from finding stuff out that they shouldn't. My branch is the Scripting, Observation, and Execution Bureau (or "The Theatre" as it is popularly known). By execution, I mean the execution of orders, not the other kind. We do the work that the majority of people with any knowledge of gang stalking will be familiar with: pestering and scripting minor incidents. The Theatre is actually divided into two sub-branches: Scripting Orchestration Officers (or "playwrights" as they call themselves) and Field Officers (or "thespians" as we call ourselves). We have the most variety in our recruits. Popular sources are the police, the fire department, the zoo, and technicians of any kind. But we recruit from all places. Most members are neighborhood watch types (not official Neighborhood Watch, but "concerned people"). Ironically, we make sure that we do a lot of good, just to get some credibility.
created by: aliceiris711

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aliceiris711 says:

5009 days ago
BREAK-A-LEG JOB: a particuarly hostile attack against a contract, or a plan
which involves appoaching the target and talking to them.
ZAPPERATING: using electronic devices to affect the health of a target.
INCAPACITATOR: a device that affects the sleeping patterns/
stress/fatigue/headaches of a contract.
VOODOO: the means of acting hostile to a target (pointing, staring, etc).
LOMOSEXUAL: a syndicate member with a knack for photography. ("There's a
lomo in
every crew!")

aliceiris711 says:

5009 days ago
CANCELLING: causing a miscarriage.
XXXXXXXX (verb): to Xxxxxx somebody is to run them over or chase them with a
NIPPLE-KISSER: a 'deviant' recruit, recruited because of a desire for
MINCING: Luring a target into the legal system.
DEFACING: making faces at a contract, or otherwise intimidating them.
BREAK-A-LEG JOB: a particuarly hostile attack against a contract, or a plan
which involves appoaching the target and talking to them.


aliceiris711 says:

5009 days ago
This was a post from a while back on a forum called 'oneworllove' and I
thought you all would be interested in reading apparently was writen
by a perp stalker, whom had a desire to pass on some info to us.

The info below in my mind is pretty accurate,...


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