AQ98's Badge

"Squirrels" Gold Blingee Receive an average rating of 4 stars after 10 votes, for a Blingee created during the "Squirrels" Week (week of 2011/01/24)

Blingees that won this badge

Justin Bieber In Pink And Blue. (:
Justin Bieber FUNNY!
Per La Mia Jess,, Che Mi Ha Fatto Una Sorpresa Enorme,, *____*
Mon Linguett. x°D
Justin Called Me. *-* {YEAH MAN. **}
Nel 2O1O Justin Bieber ha Vinto 18 Premi e 2 Nomination ai Grammy. Ma nel 2OO6, era un ragazzino con un grande sogno.
Peace, Love and Justin. *-*
Baby Justiiiin {Ooooh, he's so cuuute. **} "In Vintage" [ORìììGìììNAL]

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