I'm the QUEEN of anime!!!!!^_^

I love to draw everything anime!!! Iam awesome at drawing & hope to have my own show some day^_^!!!! Yes I'm emo so what!!! I don't care what people think of me!!! My favorite band is ... evanescence!!!My favorite song is Missing by evanescence!!!^w^ I also love Nickle backs!!! My favorite anime show is bleach, miku, Naruto, Vampire knight, sonic under ground, etc... I love anime period!!!! that reminds me of period by chemistry !!! Yes I know I know I'm into a band from japan! So what!I also like a song called "You are the one" by: Elliot yamin!!!^_^ I also take requests by the way!!!!^_^


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█████                  ██             ██        ██ Death the Kid
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۩_۞_۩_Full Metal Alchemist_۩_۞_۩

█▓▒ ♥ ~*I LOVE DEATH THE KID*~ ♥ ▒▓█ 
_█▓▒ ♥ ~*I LOVE DEATH THE KID*~ ♥ ▒▓█ 
__█▓▒ ♥ ~*I LOVE DEATH THE KID*~ ▒▓█ 
___█▓▒ ♥ ~*I LOVE DEATH THE KID   ▒▓█ 
____█▓▒ ♥ ~*I LOVE DEATH THE KID*~ ♥ ▒▓█  
___█▓▒ ♥ ~*I LOVE DEATH THE KID*~ ♥ ▒▓█ 
__█▓▒ ♥ ~*I LOVE DEATH THE KID*~ ♥ ▒▓█ 
_█▓▒ ♥ ~*I LOVE DEATH THE KID*~ ♥ ▒▓█ 
█▓▒ ♥ ~*I LOVE DEATH THE KID*~ ♥ ▒▓█ 
_█▓▒ ♥ ~*I LOVE DEATH THE KID*~ ♥ ▒▓█ 
__█▓▒ ♥ ~*I LOVE DEATH THE KID*~ ♥ ▒▓█ 
_█▓▒ ♥ ~*I LOVE DEATH THE KID*~ ♥ ▒▓█ 
█▓▒ ♥ ~*I LOVE DEATH THE KID*~ ♥ ▒▓█ 

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  ♥_♥___♥_♥_  Put this                 
♥___♥_♥___♥    heart
_♥Peach !♥_ on your
__♥_____♥_ _ page if        
___♥___♥___  you love
____♥_♥___Princess Peach!

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When we almost ended our
Long and difficult journey
We paused and took a long heavy
deep breath

Our goal may have been in sight
But slipped through our fingers
Despite all that
We now know
We have nothing to be afraid of

The strong bond between our hearts
Will never disappear
No matter what may come between us
Our wandering has finally come to a conclusion
We will mark a PERIOD in this spot

A warm and welcome feeling of love gently envelopes me
The strong memory of this will never leave my soul

I swear I won't ever forget my promise to take you to paradise
And put the dreams and wishes I embrace into song

I'll stand steadfast and strong 
With unwavering courage
To face the truth that is laid before us
I'll take our sadness and anger
And convert them into strength
Because destiny is right beside me

Look at what's ahead of us
A beautiful and shining world 

This cheer that fills the air
Sends shivers up my spine
I swear I won't ever let you down
For the future where we will live with each other
I will mark a PERIOD in this spot

The truth is just within my reach


You are the one


Sometimes i sit and i wonder
And i just can't seem to believe
What a blessing it's been to be loved
You're an angel sent to me

You're the star who lights up my sky
You're the one who made me see
That you don't need wings to fly
Your love has set me free

Cause you are the one who makes me whole
In my heart and in my soul
And just like the sun you showed me the light
I'm amazed and you're the reason why

Before you i was so blind
I didn't know which path to choose
You poured all of this love in my heart
And now there's no way that I can lose

And when i have no faith in myself
You're the one who makes me strong
I wouldn't have a story to tell
Or an ending to my song

Cause you are the one who makes me whole
In my heart and in my soul
And just like the sun you showed me the light
I'm amazed and you're the reason why

Oooohh you're the reason why
Oh ooooooooh

You are the one who makes me whole
In my heart and in my soul
Just like the sun you showed me the light
I'm amazed and you're the reason why

Cause you are the one who makes me whole
In my heart and in my soul
Just like the sun you showed me the light
I'm amazed and you're the reason why

You are the one who makes me whole
In my heart and in my soul
And just like the sun you showed me the light
I'm amazed and you're the reason why

Hmmmmmmmm Ooooooh

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____\ ######## //____E

_______ 00000000000000_______0000000000000 
_____________0000000000000000000000000 _______________00000000000000000000 
____________________0000000000  put on your page if 
______________________000000   you have a big heart
_______________________0000    for animes.

´´´´´´´´´´´´´´¶¶¶¶´´´´´´´¶¶¶´´ ´´´´´´´´´¶¶¶´´´´´
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´´´´¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶´´´´´´´´´´´            Put this on your page if you like Naruto.
                 Hidden Leaf Village

.{..'-`.._;..-'; Tнε Vαмριяε kinght

║╚╣║║║║╩╣           Put on your page if you like 
╚═╩═╩═╩═╝           anime

_______$$$_____$$_________ __________$$$_____$____$$$$____$$$$____$$$_________ ____$_______$$$____$___$$$$___$$$$____$$$____$_____ _____$$$____$$$$___$$___$$$$_$$$$$___$$$$___$$_____ _______$$$___$$$$__$$$__$$$_$$$$$____$$$$__$$___$__ _______$$$$__$$$$_$$$$___$_$$$$$_____$$$$_$$$__$$__ ________$$$$_$$$$$_$$____$$$$$$_____$$$$$_$$__$$$__ _________$$$$$_$$$$_$___$$$$$$_$___$$$$$_$___$$$___ ____$$$$__$$$$$$_$$$_$__$$$$$$_$$_$$$$$_$___$$$$___ ___$___$$$$_$$$$$$_$_$$$_$$$$$$$_$$$$$____$$$$$____ __________$$$_$$$$$$_$$$$_$$$$$$_$$$$___$$$$$______ ___________$$$$_$$$$$$_$$__$$$$$_$$$__$$$$$________ _______________$$$_$$$$$_$__$$$$_$__$$$$___________ ____________________$_$$$$__$$$$__$$$$_____________ _________________________$$_$$$_$$$________________ ___________________________$$$$$$__________________ _________________________$$$$$$$$$$________________ ________________________$$$$$$$$$$$$_______________ _______________________$$$$$$$$$$$$$_______________ ______________________$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$______________ _____________________$$$$$$$$$$$_$$$$______________ ____________________$$$$$$$$$$$_$$$$$______________ _____________$_____$$$$$_$_$$$_$$$$$$______________ _____________$$____$$$$_$$_$$$__$$$$_$_____________ ______________$$__$$$$_$$_$$$$______$$$____________ _______________$$_$$$$_$$_$$$$_______$$$___________ _______________$$$_$$_$$$_$$$$$______$$$$__________ ________________$$$__$$$_$__$$$$___________________ ________________$$$$$$$$_____$$$___________________ ________________$O$O$$$______$$$___________________ ______________$_$$$$$$_______$$$___________________ 
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║╚╝║╬║║║╔╗║I ♥ Gothic Anime Stuff!


█▓▒ ♥ ~*I LOVE SOUL EATER*~ ♥ ▒▓█ 
_█▓▒ ♥ ~*I LOVE SOUL EATER*~ ♥ ▒▓█ 
__█▓▒ ♥ ~*I LOVE SOUL EATER*~ ♥ ▒▓█ 
___█▓▒ ♥ ~*I LOVE SOUL EATER*~ ♥ ▒▓█ If you love
____█▓▒ ♥ ~*I LOVE SOUL EATER*~ ♥ ▒▓█ SOUL EATER
___█▓▒ ♥ ~*I LOVE SOUL EATER*~ ♥ ▒▓█ copy and paste
__█▓▒ ♥ ~*I LOVE SOUL EATER*~ ♥ ▒▓█ this to your
_█▓▒ ♥ ~*I LOVE SOUL EATER*~ ♥ ▒▓█ profile.
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___█▓▒ ♥ ~*I LOVE SOUL EATER*~ ♥ ▒▓█ 
____█▓▒ ♥ ~*I LOVE SOUL EATER*~ ♥ ▒▓█ 
___█▓▒ ♥ ~*I LOVE SOUL EATER*~ ♥ ▒▓█ 
__█▓▒ ♥ ~*I LOVE SOUL EATER*~ ♥ ▒▓█ 
_█▓▒ ♥ ~*I LOVE SOUL EATER*~ ♥ ▒▓█
█▓▒ ♥ ~*I LOVE SOUL EATER*~ ♥ ▒▓█

I love Japanese music!!!!
favorite band: Chemistry, June!!!!! and others XDDDDD

I'm 14 turning to 15. school dance coming up XDDDDD I can't wait!!!!!!If any requests...please ask!!!!
I also signed up for a talent show XDDDD. I'm going to sing "Period" by Chemistry. Yes I know it's Japanese pop, so what! BTW if you don't judge me, I won't judge you!!! So I got some practicing to do. I'm also singing with some of my other friends at school. NO I don't know what we are singing, but I will find out one way or another!!!!

Age: 14
Gender: Female
Favorite color: Aqua-Blue, Aqua-Green, Turquoise, All Neon Color,Black, White,etc...
Favorite anime: All anime
Favorite music: Rock, Pop, & Rap.
Contact: (email me) Hitsu_Hidan6Midnight_Oruchimaru@yahoo.com
please contact me!!!!!! ^_^
I care for all of my friends, family, anime, my boyfriend jason, and all music except country DX, but I don't judge^_^

My favorite songs~


my blingees



  • Times In the Spotlight: 0
  • Badges: 24
  • Gold Blingees: 9
  • Silver Blingees: 50
  • Stamp Contributions: 3
  • Postcard Contributions: 0

My Competition Entries

Edward Elric!!! ^_^
Toshiro, Ichigo, Grimmjow, Ulquiorra ^_^
View More



maria_sama says:

2219 days ago
Please those who has me in friends,Add me again on a new account ,the new name is FrozenZirka.

zelda99 says:

3897 days ago

lovegirl1055 says:

3941 days ago
plz vote thx friend   http://bln.gs/c/3nb/v/6dshe 

TsukumoYuma says:

3974 days ago
Hi, how is it going?

loveandthings says:

3975 days ago
♔Aѕια ρσωer♔

Special competition: ♕Kpop Vs Anime♕ [VOTING ROUND] 



neonmustache1 says:

3988 days ago
Hey I'm sorry! It's just my parents don't want me on Blingee that much anymore! God bless and I'll come on every couple of months! Also, cool about the ten ten Naruto
Character! See ya

ladysakuraable says:

3988 days ago
♔Aѕια ρσωer♔
Especial competition: ♕Kpop Vs Anime♕ 

♥ xCandypop/ladysakuraable/loveandthings

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