
Hello and welcome to my page! My name is Kristian,I'm very friendly and will accept all friend requests!I love anime,art,history,and my best friend on here is Okami-in-love! Have a wonderful day!

blingees made for me:

by okami-in-love

by  Sacchetto

by Vaskita

by Ivxxthewolf

by Papuzzetto

by TekkenxXx

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K:is for Key,the answer to all troubles 
R:is for Reputable,thanks to your good deeds 
I:is for Innovative,you think like no other
S:is for softhearted,you connect emotionally
T:is for Thriving,towards the glories lanes 
I:is for Impartial,with your words and actions
A:is for Amazing,a person that you are
N:is for Noble,your vision and beliefs 

KRISTIAN: Extraordinarily talented 

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  • Times In the Spotlight: 0
  • Badges: 127
  • Gold Blingees: 165
  • Silver Blingees: 360
  • Stamp Contributions: 142
  • Postcard Contributions: 0

My Competition Entries

Rukia-Winter storm
Crona-My blood is black...
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-okami-in-love- says:

3571 days ago
The angel lent back against a tree and flicked his dirty wings,  this was his way of 'rolling his eyes'. "You are a foolish one,  Syler." Ebony smirked. "Tell me,  what do you think of Darkness now?  Now that flames cover this world,  and Hades is rising into power?  Tell me,  would you ever join Hades and gain unbelievable power?" The angels purple eyes twinkled with a chaotic twist to them. As he smirked,  his sharp K9's were reviled, sending a chill of awareness down Syler's spine.

-okami-in-love- says:

3572 days ago
The angel grumbled at what Syler had assumed. Not a regular angel? Well,  maybe he was right but this stubborn angel had a secret. "Saving you, tech. I was only trying to be a kindhearted angel. Do not take my kindness for granted, because it won't happen again. Next time I'll just let you perish." The angel gave Syler a devilish smirk. "My name is Ebony Bullet,  warrior of heaven." Ebony narrowed his dark eyes, and bit his bottom lip as if to hold-back from speaking the truth. 

-okami-in-love- says:

3572 days ago
"A war that we will surely loose." Something spoke to Vawwn as he lent down on one knee and touched the hot ash of Verona. He knew man-kind could never take down a kingdom as large as Verona, let alone burn it into a pile of ash.

-okami-in-love- says:

3572 days ago
Vawwn gazed up at Scarlett with a peaceful gleam in his emerald green eyes. His moss colored eyes glistened in the bright moonlight that rested over the dark shattered Kingdom. It made the kingdom have a hunted touch,  for the crumbling shadows of buildings looked like the mouthed of unknown beast. "Who could have burned down an entire Kingdom.. " Vawwn muttered to himself as he locked eyes with the fallen ash that was left of Verona. "Scarlett- I sense a war approaching..

-okami-in-love- says:

3573 days ago
/-/ sorry I didn't reply to the other rp. I got busy last night after you got offline. I shall reply in a few. ^_^

-okami-in-love- says:

3574 days ago
tongue gently. The tongue of the angels continued to slide along Syler's neck gently licking up the blood that ozzed from the small wounds. Syler could hear the Angel's heart rate increase with excitement as he continued to gently suck the pain away from his neck. The angel got a bit rougher with Syler, for he could now feel the angel begin to sexually bite his neck. "Mmh-" the strange angel pulled away before he let his insanity slip into lust. "Your wounds are healed-" he muttered. 

-okami-in-love- says:

3574 days ago
the angel tilted his head in concern, yet that dirty smirks never faded away. ",here,  let me fix that for you." The angel said in an uncaring tone as he placed his dirty hand on Syler's cheek,  pushing his head to one side so he could see the bleeding wound more clearly. "Don't mind the sexual tingle, I won't make it painful unless I half to." The angel quickly glanced into Syler's confused eyes then down at his bleeding neck. The blood trickled slowly, but the angel caught it with his

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