__ |*Naruto Shippuuden Lovers*| ___

__ |*Naruto Shippuuden Lovers*| ___

This is a group made so that Naruto or Naruto Shippuuden lovers can hang out.

  • Founder: SilverWol...
  • Number of Members: 28
  • Number of Blingees: 59
Join this Group!
Hello, thanks for reviewing/ joining the group! This will be edited to add the best blingee of the week, most artistic blingee, group discusions, group avatar, etc. It'll be fun! I have my work cut out for me... Oh, well. Hope you consider joinging the group!

Best Blingees:

Most Artistic:

None Yet

Best Blingee of the Week:

None Yet

Group Blingee:

Mine, only because we need one.

Best Overall:

None Yet


___________  __  _________


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*Side Note: Thank you to »☆★«•°α·η·ι·м·є•я·α·η·∂·σ·м·η·є·ѕ·ѕ°•»★☆« and my other NAruto/anime groups for the Naruto extras!*

Episodes for the week of 3/2: English-None
Japanese-Season Four; Episode 99 "The Rampaging Tailed Beast"

Episodes for the week of 3/9:English-
Japanese-Season Four; Episode 100 "Inside the Mist"

*Side Note: Thank you to Wikipedia for the list of recent Naruto Shippuuden episodes!*


Tailed Beasts:

One-Tailed: Ichibi no Shukaku

Two-Tailed: Nibi no Nekomata

Three-Tailed: Sanbi (Demon Turtle)

Four-Tailed: Yonbi

Five-Tailed: Gobi

Six-Tailed: Rokubi

Seven-Tailed: Nanabi

Eight-Tailed: Hachibi

Nine-Tailed: Kyubi no Yoko

*Side Note: Thank yous' go to the people  at Narutopedia! You can get their from here: http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Narutopedia*

(I'd add more to this, but all of the other info is very long, like the jutsu list. So, I'll add more as time goes on.)


44th Battle Training Zone
Crescent Moon Kingdom
Fire Temple
Great Naruto Bridge
Heaven and Earth Bridge
Hokage Residence
Ichiraku Ramen Bar
Kannabi Bridge
Kikyo Castle
Konohagakure no sato
Land of Bears
Land of Birds
Land of Demons
Land of Earth
Land of Fire
Land of Forest
 L cont.
Land of Grass
Land of Honey
Land of Lightning
Land of Marsh
Land of Noodles
Land of Rain
Land of Red Beans
Land of Rivers
Land of Sand
Land of Snow
Land of Sound
Land of Stone
Land of Swamps
Land of Tea
Land of Valleys
Land of Vegetables
Land of Water
 L cont.
Land of Waves
Land of Wind
Land of the Claw
Land of the Fang
Land of the Moon
Land of the Mountains
Land of the Sea
Land of the Waterfall
Land of the Whirlpool
Ninja Academy
Temujin's Continent
Valley of the End
Yugakure no sato 

*Side Note: Thanks to the people at Narutopedia!*

Kekkei Genkai:

Byakugan Hyuga clan 
Crystal Release  
Ice Release Haku's clan 
Iron Sand  
Kekkei Genkai  
Mangekyo Sharingan Uchiha clan 
Ranmaru's kekkei genkai Ranmaru's clan 
Sharingan Uchiha clan 
Shikotsumyaku Kaguya clan 
Soma no Ko  
Wood Release 

*Side Note: Same as before!*

Best Websites:

1. Narutopedia: http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Kekkei_Genkai

2. Naruto Fan:

3. Tailed Fox:

*Side Note: I find these as time goes on. The 1, 2, 3... is only for some organization*

Group Forum

Most Artistic Blingee
updated by: SilverWolfSun, 5466 days ago
posts: 1
Advertise Your Group!
updated by: SilverWolfSun, 5565 days ago
posts: 1
Favorite Character
updated by: SilverWolfSun, 5565 days ago
posts: 1
Ideas for the Group?
updated by: SilverWolfSun, 5565 days ago
posts: 1