Lost Child...

Lost Child...
Let’s face it. We aren’t always going to be right there next to our kids as they venture out this summer. That’s why it’s so important that we arm them with some important safety skills this season. Here are some basic safety rules for parents and children, whether you’re at Disneyland or the local supermarket: Parents often tell their kids not to talk to strangers. However, in certain instances, children may need to identify a “safe stranger” in an emergency. In a recent local news story, a child was lost on an outing and too afraid to ask for help. The child ended up wandering around on their own, not sure what to do or where to go. Luckily, it was resolved happily, and the parents were reunited with their child, unharmed, after about an hour of panicked searching. A lot of this could have been avoided if the child had been given some empowering safety skills to fall back on. Depending on their age, personality and maturity level, there are a number of different safety strategies to teach your kids in case you get separated. They can: 1) Go to a nearby mom with kids to ask for help. Experts agree that children innately feel more comfortable going to a woman with children if they need assistance. Studies also show that a “mom with kids” will get involved and stay with the child until the problem is resolved. 2) If the child is old enough, they can go to the “cash register person” to ask for help. Avoid telling a child to “go find the manager.” Any important-looking person in a suit can look like the manager to a child. If you’re at a theme park, they can go to the nearest food vendor or gift cart. 3) Make it clear to your child that you will NEVER leave without them. They shouldn’t go looking in the parking lot for you. 4) In a new or unfamiliar setting, you can agree on a certain meeting place if someone gets lost, i.e. “We’ll meet at the Merry-Go-Round if we get separated.” Kids should “check first” with their parents or the grown-up in charge before going anywhere in a public place. This includes going to the bathroom or getting a snack. Be sure that children know their parents’ cell phone number in case they become lost. If necessary, write it down and put it in their pocket or backpack, and let them know they can find a safe grown-up and ask them to call that phone number in an emergency. If they are at an outing with a camp counselor, be sure there are safety rules and policies in place for when they are out in public. Remind all children, especially young ones, that they are “the boss of their bodies”. No one is allowed to touch their bathing suit areas. This is especially important as kids are often at swim camps and pool parties during the summer. Dress your kids in brightly colored clothes – it’s easier to spot them this way. Carry a recent picture of your child at all times. ( This happened to my brother when he was 5. The adults were inline for food. He was setting there with us and then he was gone. I said dad Robbie's gone. Short story.. He was found after 15 min at the Merry-go-round. Happy Ending for sure. )
created by: watsonswa...

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14 graphics were used to create this "lost child" picture.
peanut-69. :)
la fee clochette
anime disney princess glitter
Donald AxDxN
Daisy AxDxN
3 Cute Angels (right) ©®©
Kind weinend
Simple Black Pattern
Simple Red Pattern




5466 days ago
WOW!!! Your so right! I was at chunky cheese with my children, and I saw a little girl, about my daughters age. She was was just wondering around by herself, crying cause she couldn't find her mom. It was so crowded. I wanted to help her, but she ran away, and I couldn't figure where she went. I was going to help her find her parents. I was so worried. Later I spotted her, and she was with her mom. Thank God!! I woulda been a basket case wondering if I didn't know she was OK. 

guardian06 says:

5466 days ago
Now this has GOT to be one of my all-time favorites =^_^=  This is a very well put together awareness blingee =^_^=

Fairy_lover73 says:

5466 days ago
This is a great blingee,and like u said at the end of ur story happy end,bt it could end so bad if it was not for God keeping him safe!!

toolinn says:

5466 days ago
thats a great question...

hel888en says:

5468 days ago
This Is Such Great Advice Especially At This Time Of Year And At Christmas When Crowds Are Thick...Love Debbie

Oktoberli says:

5473 days ago

RedHeadsRule says:

5473 days ago
WONDERFUL AWARENESS BLINGEE! I was several years into being a mother before it occurred to me that children needed more direction than "Don't talk to strangers". There needs to be much more awareness out there regarding this because a true predator will quickly pick up on the vulnerability of an apparently lost child who is isolated from everyone else around them. Get them safe until you can get to them! Fantastic Job!

bigdaddyweakley says:

5473 days ago
You come up with the greatest stuff for awareness, BRAVO!

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