~It's nice to see a Familiar face~

~It's nice to see a Familiar face~
Tom: *drives down the road quickly* DAMNIT I'M SPEEDING! DX< BUT I MUST GET THERE BEFORE FLACCO THE DRACO! *he spotted the house on the right* 8D There it is!! x3 *makes a sharp right turn zooming down the black-topped driveway* HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! :D I BEAT FLACCO! YES! *slams the break on his car and turns it off then gets out of his car cheering happily* x3 Haha, I WIN! 8D Joe: *pulls down the driveway and parks his car next to Tom's and gets out smiling brightly* Hey Tom. Tom: I BEAT YOU FOOL! >:D *laughs happily* I BEAT FLACCO THE DRACO! Joe: Alright then, *chuckles softly and grins* Tom: x3 Anyway.. JOEY! *smiles big and tackles him* I missed you! Well..Sorta..*chuckles* Joe: *nods and chuckles then shoves him off of him standing up brushing the dirt off* Well, It hasn't been that long..maybe a few weeks? Tom: Yeah, I guess so. Joe: *snickers a little then looks up at the house* It's great to be able to spend the next few months with the guys again. It also seems to be bigger than the last time I saw it. Tom: Eh, Sorta. *smirks and looks at him* Wanna have a beer blast party tonight? Joe: Hell yeah. *smirks happily and opens his trunk pulling out his suit-case and others bag* Welp. Gotta un-pack soon. Tom: Yeah, *opens his trunk and gets his things aswell* Eli/Peyton: *pull down the driveway gets out of their car* Eli: Tommy! Joey! *grins and runs over to them* Hey again! *smiles brightly* Peyton: *leans on the car and looks at them* Joe: Eli! :3 *smiles* How you been? Eli: Great, :D Tom: What about Peyton? *looks over at him* Eli: He's been a little bit grumpy since his accident you know. T.T Joe: Oh..o3o'...Hmpt. Eli: PEYTON! <.< Say Hi to them. :3 Peyton: Hey, *walks over to the trunk and pulls out his suit-case and Eli's* Tom: Well, you seem upset..D: Peyton: It's been a long season Tom, It's been a long season..*carries Eli's and his things into the house quietly* Eli: I need to unpack..I'll be back. *walks after Peyton* Tom/Joe: We shall too! :3 *grabs their things and rush upstairs into their rooms* Tom: *flings open his bed-room door throwing his bags on the floor and jumps on his bed* My soft fluffy bed! x3 I missed you so much. :3 *spots another car pull down the driveway and walks over the window pressing his face against it*..o3o' Who could this beeeeeeee... Jordy/Aaron: *climb out of the car and stretch* Jordy: Feels nice to be back. *grins* Aaron: *nods and bends backwards continuing to stretch* Mmm, That hit the spot.. Jordy: *chuckles and pulls their bags out of the beat-seats quietly* Tom: O_O' PACKERS! >8U *flings open the window and jumps out on the roof* AHOY! 8D....8O..Jordy...Aaron..AARON!! D8< *leaps off of the room* AHHH!!! DX I'M FALLING FOUR FRICKEN FLOORS! DX Aaron: *hears him and looks up*...What the hell...!? Tom: *smashes into Aaron knocking the air out of Aaron* What a landing. o.e'...I hurt...D8 You broke my fall though, Thanks buddy! :3 *looks at Aaron* Aaron: *wildly gaspsing for air* Tom...! You retard...! *begans to grasp his breath again and throws Tom off of him* What the hell?! How do you not have a broken leg,arm or ribs!? Or you neck?! Tom: Cause, Your fat-ass saved me. :3 Do you hurt? Aaron: My back,butt, and my chest. <.< A 354 pound monkey landed on me jumping four floors of a house. -_-' Tom: Wow, o.o That's a FAT monkey.. Aaron: Ugh, *stands up and looks at him shaking his head*... Jordy: *looks at them*...Tom? How'd you get down here? Tom: Jumping off the roof smashing into him. o.o *points to Aaron* He saved me. :D But I think I hurt him. Aaron: *shakes his head and grabs his bag then walks into the house mumbling*... Jordy:..o.e' Well...Okay then. *takes his stuff and follows Aaron*... Tom: Now. :3 *smiles and looks around*...Wait a minute..wait a minute...Where's the Mexican?! *runs back into the house and jumps onto the couch staring out the window*..Mexican...D8 Mark/Troy/Ben: *pull up next to the others and climb out of the car with their things and began walking toward the house* Tom: O.O TROY! BEN! MARK!! :D *runs out of the house and attacks Mark* MEXICAN! I MISSED YOU SO MUCH! :D *pokes his hair* o3o' Black and curly as always. x3 *looks at Troy* You never got a hair-cut, Hiyah Benny boy! :3 You can take your stuff into your room. Joe's making food tonight, then we're throwing a beer blast tonight for everyone being back. :D Troy: Good to see you Tom, *smiles and walks into the house* Ben: *nods and follows him* Mark: *shoves Tom off of him* <,< Geez. *grabs his stuff and walks into the house* Great to see you aswell Tom. Tom: Hehe, x3 Heeeeyyyyyyy........ D8 NO ONE HAS NOTICED MY DAMN HAIRCUT! DX< FUCK NO! *runs into the house and slams the door* ~Hehe, x3 I brought my football guys back. Part 2 soon, When A few others come back aswell. :3~
created by: timberwol...

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5 graphics were used to create this "i want to see a my house" picture.
Frame stars sparkles white winter



Soulangel11 says:

4544 days ago
Awesome =D 5* Love the story!!

Joycieoh says:

4544 days ago
Merry Christmas from
my home to yours!!!

(\  ☆ /)
( \(_)/ )
(_ /|\ _) 

Fabulous Work!
5 ★☆★☆★'s 

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