
Kagami:Hi,this is my rant!Some of the girls out there are calling they're selfs "the Sonic Queen",and it's getting anoying!Tefanie is the one AND only Sonic Queen there is,Sure,your a big fan,but you don't know how much Tefanie loves Sonic,so BACK-OFF!,I'm not saying that Sonic belongs to Tefanie,I'm just consurned that people out there think that they can just say there the Sonic Queen!Mabey you can be the "Sonic Princess" or something like that,but Tefanie is the only Sonic Queen there is!Ya know what?No,Tefanie is the SONIC GODDESS,And if you don't respect that,then DON'T BOTHER ARGUING,CUZ THAT'LL GET YOU NOWHERE!!!(If you understand,please spread the word,by sending the link of this blingee to your friends)~Kagami:Now,good day!:)
Créé par: murialthe...

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Eclipsemoon82 dit:

Il y a 4922 jours
You have absolutely no right to tell people what they can and can't call their characters/themselves. Just because you want your character to be the Sonic Queen doesn't make it so. It's just like when Rihanna and you fought over Shadow, or when Rihanna and I fought over him when I first joined. It's just silly. You might as well tell people they can't pair their characters with Sonic because he's with Tefanie. You're taking this whole thing a little too far.

Meegz13 dit:

Il y a 4927 jours
-continued-... and soon enough it will be Amy Rose.
 I have no idea why people bother by telling people their character or their fan character is Sonic's girlfriend, cos they're not. In their fantasy, yes maybe that it the case, but not so good to tell the whole world, cos people may start arguments.
So Tefanie may love Sonic, but NO ONE is the Sonic Queen OR Godness OR Princess, and there is so such thing.
Like the blingee thought, it's funny

Meegz13 dit:

Il y a 4927 jours
Ok, I'm sorry for starting this upcoming argument, BUT NO ONE IS THE SONIC QUEEN. No one can take that name or anything. It doesn't even EXIST! If SEGA and Sonic Team wanted to make a 'Sonic Queen' they would of, but they haven't.
Everyone makes their own character and makes them love Sonic, but of course, that's their fantasy, so that's ok. But you cant go telling people that Sonic is 'Tefanies's', cos she's not Sonic's girl. The only girl Sonic will ever like WAS Princess Sally -contined-...

Soulangel11 dit:

Il y a 4927 jours
I guess Kagami knew what Sonic X was... Konata shares too much anime with others

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