Distintivo de Prinzessin_Sakura

Blingee prata de "Drive-In Movie" Receba uma classificação média de 3 estrelas depois de {5 votos, por um Blingee criado durante a Semana "Drive-In Movie" (semana de 2013/06/03)

Blingees que ganharam este distintivo

Everyone has a good heart, no matter how deep it is hidden.
Smile, for you and you care about! Always have a smile there.
I will never let go your hand, I love you
In a faraway kingdom, live fairies. The love nature and animals and loved ones. A peaceful country.
The flowers sing for us, they give us a gift.
Close your eyes, travel through time, a star in the vast space wishes you a sweet dream
Although it is difficult to believe in you. Have fun in life, enjoy it!
My heart belongs to you. I belong to you. The card is my heart sign
I want to be with you all the time. You've encouraged me. With you I can fly and sing.

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