NanniJay's Badge

"Lupus Awareness" Gold Blingee Receive an average rating of 4 stars after 10 votes, for a Blingee created during the "Lupus Awareness" Week (week of 2012/05/21)

Blingees that won this badge

Scrap - Brown, gold frames. (Fall  14)
Vintage: babies.   (VL  3)
Frames.Various colors, D.  (Fr 10)
Glitter stars.   (Misc. 2)
SCRAP: backgrounds.   (S  32)
Frames. Various colors  E.  (Fr  13)
Scrap - Brown/cream/deco. (Fall 15)
Frames. Pink/lilac.   (Fr  11)
Frames/bgs, various C.  (Fr  9)

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