Paolas.s9's Badge

"Christmas" Gold Blingee Receive an average rating of 4 stars after 10 votes, for a Blingee created during the "Christmas" Week (week of 2011/12/19)

Blingees that won this badge

Happy and wonderful Christmas for you my dear and precious friend Carlasdgt♥
For you my dear and precious friend Lousei♥p
Happy and wonderful Christmas♥
Para Ti querida amiga  Farmamedi♥con todo  mi corazòn♥ p
Pour toi  ma chére et précieux amie/amis♥ p
Per voi carissime e preziose amiche con tutto il mio cuore♥ p
para que mis queridas amigas y preciosas con todo mi corazón♥ p

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