twilightfan-lion's Badge

"Elvis Presley" Silver Blingee Receive an average rating of 3 stars after 5 votes, for a Blingee created during the "Elvis Presley" Week (week of 2011/08/08)

Blingees that won this badge

||| Anmazing Mephisto ~ for CecyJonas94|||
|||Ao no ... Okumura Rin ~ for mermaidinflorida|||
|||Frog style for Buddies ~ for cool44a|||
|||Never let me go...~ for Muli34|||
|||Let the FIRE burn the ICE ~ for CRaZY.PRiiNCeSS |||
|||Lost in the Green ~ for ChrazyLady|||
|||Lost Control ~ for Audrey-Maggie123456789|||
|||Last Autumn ~  for loula7|||
|||Stronger then before ~ for mileyfanNR.1-97 |||

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