cucciola97eli's Badge

"Martin Luther King" Silver Blingee Receive an average rating of 3 stars after 5 votes, for a Blingee created during the "Martin Luther King" Week (week of 2011/01/17)

Blingees that won this badge

stelena <3 by cucciola97eli
miley cyrus can't be tamed by cucciola97eli x conki
damon salvatore <3 si può dire?? ke bonooo *-*
the vampire diaries scene-4 conkii  by cucciola97eli don't copy!
okkio blu by cucciola97eli
lady gaga by cucciola97eli x concorso nn si vede bn il microfono ma c' è!
lady gaga by cucciola97eli x concorso
lady gaga by cucciola97eli x concorso
sel e demi

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