Vilea1's Badge

Best Movie Blingee Competition 1000+ points Score more than 1000 points in a Best Movie Blingee Competition

Blingees that won this badge

shiki und rima(by Vilea1)
This is a big horror(by Vilea1)
Anime elfe(by Vilea1)
school rumbel in sexy(by Vilea1)
Sorry i only date a vampire(by Vilea1)
emo girl(by Vilea1)
Yuki and kaname in love(by Vilea1)
Anime baby girl(by Vilea1)
Michael winter version(by Vilea1)

Featured badges

Best Anime Blingee Competition Rank #1 Best Anime Blingee Competition Rank #1

Rank 1st in a Best Anime Blingee Competition

Blingee Custom Hompage Achievement Blingee Custom Hompage Achievement

Create a Blingee Custom Homepage with your Blingees!

Best Emo Blingee Competition Rank #1 Best Emo Blingee Competition Rank #1

Rank 1st in a Best Emo Blingee Competition