Shelly.Rocks's Badge

"Holiday Shopping" Gold Blingee Receive an average rating of 4 stars after 10 votes, for a Blingee created during the "Holiday Shopping" Week (week of 2010/11/29)

Blingees that won this badge

Matt [I <3 Mello] - by Shelly.Rocks
Lolita [Dance with the nightmare...] - by Shelly.Rocks
Lolita [Start the revolution!] - by Shelly.Rocks
Heather Mason [Is there nobody who can help me outta here?] - by Shelly.Rocks
Mail Jeevas aka. Matt [Death Note] - by Shelly.Rocks
Yui Hirasawa [paradise of pink and strawberries] - by Shelly.Rocks
Misa Amane [for Joma-chan] - by Shelly.Rocks
***special Blingee edition*** ~Merry Christmas from Len & Rin~ [by Shelly.Rocks]
Tamaki Suzuki [for RPG "First Kiss, First Love"] - by Shelly.Rocks

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